Clean Backups plug-in for cPanel/WHM
Καθαρίστε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας plug-in για το cPanel / WHM
cPanels backup script will not remove backups for accounts that no longer exist and these backups will remain on the backup drive until removed. This plug-in gives administrators the ability to clean up their backup directory by setting how long they want to keep backups for accounts that no longer exist and removing those backups when they expire. The script can be run by hand or after automatically after the cPanel backup script finishes.
Εδώ είναι μερικά στιγμιότυπα του Clean plugin αντιγράφων ασφαλείας σε δράση!
Here are a few screen shots of the Clean Backups plugin in action!
Οδηγίες Εγκατάστασης (Installation Instructions)
The installation proceedure for this plugins requires that you have root access to the server via the console or SSH. Below are step by step instructions you should use to install this plugin.
# cd /home # rm -f latest-cleanbackups # wget # sh latest-cleanbackups
Using the plugin from the WebHostManager
Log into the WHM, click on plugins, then Clean Backups. From there you can enable and disable the auto cleaning process, confiugre how long backups for non-existant accounts will be kept, see recent activity and even run the cleaning script by manually.