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Block Radio Host
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WHM Account Info Email
WHM Account Info Email WHM Πληροφορίες Λογαριασμού Email In WHM goto: Main >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings There you goto section: Security Then mark: Send passwords in plaintext over email when creating a new acccount. Enabling this option is a security risk.
Continue ReadingThe server can not find the requested page
Accessing accounts with my ip and the account username is not working After a security update that my provider has made to my whm, i can’t access my accounts via this url: http://IP/~username. When i enter this address i get this error: “404 Not Found The server can not find the requested page: xx.xx.xxx.xxx/~the_account_username/ […]
Continue Readinglfd on : Suspicious process running under user
Recently uploaded a Joomla site to a temporary folder. Now everytime I access /administrator I keep getting this email: Code: /usr/bin/php Command Line (often faked in exploits): /usr/bin/php /home/<user>/public_html/<temp_dir>/administrator/index.php Network connections by the process (if any): tcp: -> Files open by the process (if any): Memory maps by the process (if any): 08048000-08774000 […]
Continue ReadingMod Security whitelist
Ε-mail από το mod_security Pattern match “(?:\b(?:(?:n(?:et(?:\b\W+?\blocalgroup|\.exe)|(?:map|c)\.exe)|t(?:racer(?:oute|t)|elnet\.exe|clsh8?|ftp)|(?:w(?:guest|sh)|rcmd|ftp)\.exe|echo\b\W*?\by+)\b|c(?:md(?:(?:32)?\.exe\b|\b\W*?\/c)|d(?:\b\W*?[\\/]|\W*?\.\.)|hmod.{0,40}? …” at REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent. [file “/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf”] [line “150”] [id “1234123404“] [msg “System Command Injection”] [data “; mail”] [severity “CRITICAL”] [tag “WEB_ATTACK/COMMAND_INJECTION”] Βήμα 1ο: Επιλέγουμε το domain που θέλουμε πατάμε Modify user whitelist Βήμα 2ο: Αντιγράφουμε το ID στο (mod_security rule ID list) που έχουμε λάβει στο e-mail μας από το […]
Continue ReadingMod_security Blocking My IP When Editing Post In WordPress
Editing post in WordPress editor, after a few minutes, my IP will be blocked by mod_security automatically, put it in the firewall denied access list, and the log is showing security concern “5 in the last 300 secs“. lfd: (mod_security) mod_security triggered by xx.xx.xx.xx (MY/Malaysia/-): 5 in the last 300 secs To quickly fix it, […]
Continue ReadingΗow to increase virtual memory size?

how to increase virtual memory size? (Πώς να αυξηθεί το μέγεθος εικονική μνήμη;) I’ve been receiving notifications like this: Account: fer….. Resource: Virtual Memory Size Exceeded: 223 > 200 (MB) PID: 22736 (Parent PID:21315) Λύση στο σφάλμα: Edit /etc/csf/csf.conf Find this PT_USERMEM = “100” and change it to 256 or 0(to disable notifications) PT_USERMEM = “0”
Continue ReadingHow to Secure your Dedicated Server
(RedHat Linux + Cpanel) Finally. You got the dedicated server you always wanted. Now you’re a real webhost. No more reseller accounts. Yeah …. . BUT – now all the responsibility in keeping that server up and running is up on your shoulders. The very first things after getting your server is to make it […]
Continue ReadingSecuring WHM (How to)
Securing WHM – A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Server Part 1 (Security Inside WHM/CPanel) These are items inside of WHM/Cpanel that should be changed to secure your server. Goto Server Setup =>> Tweak Settings Check the following items… Under Domains Prevent users from parking/adding on common internet domains. (ie hotmail.com, aol.com) Under Mail Attempt to prevent pop3 connection floods Default […]
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