
Disk usage problem: WHM is showing incorrect disk usage details and I cannot also change the disk quota via WHM.

Disk usage problem: WHM is showing incorrect disk usage details and I cannot also change the disk quota via WHM. (Use disk space) The problem happens when the disk quota file get corrupted on server. You can run the following command while logged into the server through SSH as the root user. /scripts/fixquotas –force In […]

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How to Secure a CentOS Server SSH DDOS Deflate

About (D)DoS Deflate is a lightweight bash shell script designed to assist in the process of blocking a denial of service attack. It utilizes the command below to create a list of IP addresses connected to the server, along with their total number of connections. It is one of the simplest and easiest to install solutions […]

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Εγκατάσταση / Απεγκατάσταση nginx

Installation / Uninstall of nginx… (Εγκατάσταση / Απεγκατάσταση του nginx …) Nginx Admin Install instruction: cd /usr/local/src wget http://nginxcp.com/latest/nginxadmin.tar tar xf nginxadmin.tar cd publicnginx ./nginxinstaller install <<<<<>>>>> service httpd restart crontab -e To automated /tmp cleanup add bellow cron (Για αυτοματοποιημένη / tmp καθαρισμού προσθέσετε παρακάτω cron) 0 */1 * * * /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -am 1 /tmp/nginx_client […]

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